We might just be crying from laughter.
Children sometimes say some kooky stuff, and sometimes it’s a little hard for them to get the names of things right. As a result, they tend to make up the most logical names for what they see. And sometimes, their imagination comes up with a name that is 200x better than the things actual name.
Tessa Dare found this out when when she posted the following on her Twitter account:
“My friends 5-year-old just saw a crow and called it a ‘Halloween eagle’”
Other Twitter users quickly responded with their equally hilarious stories:
“My 4 year old called pizza crusts “pizza handles”” – Twitter user behumble
“My 4-year-old daughter saw flamingos at the zoo and called them ‘zoo chickens’. I can no longer think of them as anything other than that.” – Twitter user Ryan Herndon
“My nephew called all pockets on his clothes ‘snack holes’” – Twitter user Renne Le Ore
“My daughter once referred to dreams as ‘The stories in my eyes’” – Twitter user Lama-j spelt bakword
“When my son was little, he used to say ‘’fasting’ instead of running. ‘Look mom, I’m fasting!” – Twitter user Luka Tate
Excuse us while we go to the office bathroom to cackle.
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Words by Kate Stevens
Image: Unsplash