Stephen Drill's year-long investigation lifts the lid on how bikie gangs are controlling crime in Australia, and how they have changed in the last few years. The gangs have gone from hired muscle to billion dollar bikies, and the rivers of rotten cash have led to blood on Australia’s streets, as bikies fight for power. Bikies Inc follows the money - the billions of dollars that bikies are making out of cocaine and ice, and as Stephen starts looking into the gangs, their violence erupts across the country, with shootings at funerals and innocent bystanders dying at the hands of the violent gangs.
All Episodes
- You murdered my mum
Bikies Inc.
Women linked to bikies are six times more likely to be victims of domestic violence. 23 year old Lili Greer reveals her campaign to get justice for her mum Tina, who was murdered by a Finks bikie. Unlock all eight episodes by subscribing to Crime X+ on Apple Podcasts today.
09 Jul 2023 | 40 mins
- The Maserati mistake
Bikies Inc.
Cryptocurrency is the new frontier for bikie money laundering, Stuart Smith, Assistant Commissioner at NSW Police, says. A loner who ran Australia’s most sophisticated home delivery drug network from his beach house was shaken down by the Hells Angels in jail. Unlock all eight episodes by subscribing to Crime X+ on Apple Podcasts today.
09 Jul 2023 | 26 mins
- Billion dollar bikies
Bikies Inc.
Australian bikies are making $8 million a day from selling ice and cocaine on our streets. Mike Phelan, the boss of the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission, reveals the mega-profits being hauled in by outlaw bikie gangs. And how they have gone from hired muscle to international drug lords turning over billions each year. The cash is fuelling bikie wars, with blood spilling on the streets, as police warn of the danger to the public from drive-by shootings. Unlock all eight episodes by subscribing to Crime X+ on Apple Podcasts today.
09 Jul 2023 | 40 mins
- Introducing: Bikies Inc.
Bikies Inc.
Subscribe to Crime X+ today. Introducing True Crime Australia's new podcast, Bikies Inc. Stephen Drill's year-long investigation lifts the lid on how bikie gangs are controlling crime in Australia, and how they have changed in the last few years. The gangs have gone from hired muscle to billion dollar bikies, and the rivers of rotten cash have led to blood on Australia’s streets, as bikies fight for power. Bikies Inc follows the money - the billions of dollars that bikies are making out of cocaine and ice, and as Stephen starts looking into the gangs, their violence erupts across the country, with shootings at funerals and innocent bystanders dying at the hands of the violent gangs.
29 Jun 2023 | 58 secs