Wow, just… wow.

The Today Show is under fire following one of the most derailed interviews ever.

Hosts Allison Langdon and Peter Stefanovic were tasked with interviewing Columbine High School shooting survivor Evan Todd as the incident’s 19th anniversary approaches.

Unfortunately, Allison referred to the massacre survivor as ‘Eric’ twice.

Which is the name of one of the two perpetrators.

Almost 19 years ago, Eric Harris and Dyan Klebold attacked the Colorado school killing 13 people and forcing the show’s interviewee Evan to beg for his life.

Not only was the nine-minute interview slammed for being insensitive, but the social media cut of footage showed a “cherry picked” version.


“What a disgraceful effort Today show! Evan Todd survived the horror of Columbine and has had to live with it every day of his life since. Not only were you incredibly rude to him during the interview when you realised it wasn’t going the way you had planned, but to only post a tiny cherrypicked snippet in order to spin it in your favour is shameful journalism,” posted social media user Sue Hammond.

“You invited him onto your show, you specifically asked him to share his thoughts and opinions, and when those thoughts and opinions didn’t match yours, you interrupted him, talked over him, cut him off and eventually shut the interview down.”

While Evan’s views are less-than-popular (he believes guns are not the issue and disagrees with student movement March For Your Lives’ political arguments) the interview was disrespectful and insensitive according to social media users.


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Image: Today Show / Channel 9

Written by Ally Parker