Parenting expert Gen Muir joined Gina & Matty this morning to share tips for navigating children’s emotions and of course, the topic on everyone’s minds – kids and social media.
Speaking to Gina & Matty, Gen Muir explained that your child having emotional outbursts – including yelling – is actually a good thing.
“Our kids [are] learning to use their words to express, even though it’s not really accurate in terms of they’re not saying exactly what they mean,” Muir explained to Gina & Matty.
“They’re actually showing signs of really great regulation. So it’s actually a really great step in the right direction when your child can start to yell things, like even like, I’m gonna kick you.”
“Let’s be honest, even at 45, we still have the old meltdown when things don’t go our way,” Gen added.
Muir also expressed her support for the 36 Months campaign led by radio broadcaster Michael ‘Wippa’ Wipfli and Rob Galluzzo, explaining that kids and social media should not mix.
“I can’t see any reason why we wouldn’t support our kids, support our parents, giving kids longer to have a childhood. You know, I’ve seen a quote – ‘The minute you give your child social media, their childhood ends’ – and I really agree,” Muir said.
Gen also shared her tips for navigating the land of social media with kids and teens, explaining that it all begins with two simple things – understanding and education.
“The way that I think parents can really think about this is to start with really understanding it,” Muir told Gina & Matty.
“It’s about educating parents about the risks. I think a lot of people just don’t realise what their kids are seeing and what’s happening on there.”
You can hear Gen Muir’s full chat with Gina & Matty – and of course, how to parenting guilt – below, or via the Star Player app or of course, wherever you get your podcasts.
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Images: Pexels / Karolina Grabowska
By Bek Lougher