Green canvas bag

Customers aren’t happy. 

The plastic bag ban hasn’t been an easy pill to swallow for Aussie’s. There’s been complaints that bags a ripping after one day, stores refusing bags with rival logos, and even reports of people attacking cashiers.

Beyond the frustration, most Aussie’s have a very real question – where is the money I spend on bags going? Well, now we have the answer.

According to an analysis completed by Queensland University of Technology’s retail expert Dr Gary Mortimer, Coles and Woolies will be raking in around $71 million gross profit each with the switch to the 15c bags.

However, retail expert Geoff Dart from the DGC Advisory disagreed, saying that any profits from the bags will be counteracted by the reduction in purchasing. He believes that unprepared shoppers will reduce the number of items they buy per trip if they’ve forgotten their bags. He also believes the impulsive buying will take a plunge.

Some have suggested that the supermarket giants should be donating net profit from the bags to charity.

What do you think?


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Words by Kate Stevens
