*Fans self*
Cool-weather lovers have been cursing Mother Nature this month, demanding to know where in the hell the mild temperatures of Autumn have been hiding.
It has been really, bloody, unseasonably hot and although Sydney has seen some respite over the past couple of days, this month is still slated to be the hottest April on record for New South Wales.
As Pedestrian has shared, the average temperature in Sydney for April 2018 was 26.27 degrees and back in 1922 (the year that previously held the record) the average monthly temperature was at 25.6 degrees.
And it’s not just NSW sweating through warm Autumn days, either. According to a Weatherzone meteorologist, Kim Westcott, who spoke with the Sydney Morning Herald, South Australia and Victoria’s average temperatures are approaching record-breaking levels, too.
As many of you will know – coz, you know, you lived through it – south of Australia saw exceptionally hot days in March and early April. The heatwave broke a heap of records and left Aussies uncomfortably warm for far longer than usual.
The SMH reports that more hot and dry weather is coming our way in early May, so don’t dust off the ugg boots just yet.
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Written by Stephanie Nuzzo
Image: getty/matteo