person riding a bike

The rider also lost 3 demerit points. 

A Queensland cyclist has been fined hundreds of dollars for using his mobile phone while riding his bike on the road.

The rider was pulled over in Beenleigh, and issued a $391 fine and three demerit points – the same penalty that applies to drivers caught using a device while driving.

Police senior constable Jen Wallis stated that cyclists must be made aware that they are subject to many of the same laws as motorists.

“Using a mobile phone while riding a bicycle or even a horse is the same as using a mobile phone while driving a motor vehicle,” she said.

“If you’re riding on a road or footpath you need to be 100 per cent focused on riding and not distracted by a mobile phone. Roads are shared with cars and footpaths are shared with other riders and pedestrians.”

What do you think?



Written by Kate Stevens

Image: Getty